Bilanci dhe Treguesit Financiar TM4 2024
Bilanci dhe Treguesit Financiar TM3 2024
Arian Gegaj – Zëvendës Kryeshef Ekzekutiv
Mr. Gegaj graduated in Management and Informatics at the University of Prishtina, and has completed all exams at the Master’s level in Banking and Finance. His education was supplemented by many other international and local professional trainings. Mr. Arian Gegaj has been appointed Deputy CEO at PriBank in July 2024 and joined PriBank in February…
Bilanci dhe Treguesit Financiar TM2 2024
Raporti Vjetor 2023
Lista SSI
Download SSI List PriBank-SSI List
Bilanci dhe Treguesit Financiar TM1 2024
Pasqyrat Financiare 2023
Bilanci dhe Treguesit Financiar TM4 2023
Njoftim për tender
FTESË PËR OFERTË Furnizim me: Paisje te IT-seTe nderuar, Për ta shkarkuar dokumentin, kliko këtu.
Njoftim për tender
You can find the details of the tender here:
Aplikoni për Kredi në PriBank për të përfituar nga Subvencioni për mbështetje të ndërmarrjeve mikro, të vogla dhe të mesme nga Ministria e Financave, duke investuar në blerjen e paisjeve efiçiente të ngrohjes për biznesin tuaj. Paisjet efiçiente për të cilat do të përfitoni subvencionin janë: Pompë termike; Kondicioner/klimë (pompë termike ajër-ajër të tipit inverter…
Paguaj me PriBank MasterCard dhe fito 🎁
Pay with PriBank MasterCard and win 🎁 Make 3 or more payments in a cumulative amount over €50, with PriBank MasterCard cards and you can be one of the winners of the prize game to win: The payments that will qualify you as a potential winner are the payments made at the POS and online,…
Adresa Rr. “Sicilia” Kompleksi Lubjana/Kalabri, Blloku A1, Lam: A1/2,, Nr.2 Prishtinë
0800 74 777
038 74 77 77
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Organogrami Serbisht
Organogrami Anglisht
Organogrami Shqip
Bilanci dhe Treguesit Financiar TM3 2023
Sherbimet Elektronike
E-Banking The electronic service E-banking is a modern and safe way to manage your bank account and carry out financial transactions via the Internet 24/7. Some of the actions you can perform through the E-banking service are: For more information, visit one of the PriBank branches, apply online or contact us at the Contact Center…
Personal Loan With a personal loan you can achieve your goals, such as buying a vehicle, renovating your home, medical expenses, higher studies, or any other personal project you have in mind. This type of loan gives you the flexibility to use the money in the way you want, without interference or special restrictions from…
Advance Deposit Term your money in PriBank and get the ownership interest! Advance Deposit lets you reschedule your money for a period of 12 months, with an attractive interest rate, and you don’t have to wait for the maturity date to withdraw your interest because the interest can be rescheduled on the day the rescheduling…
Transferet brenda bankës
Transfers within the bank Transfers within the bank are the transactions that are carried out between the accounts of individuals or businesses that are customers of PriBank. These transactions allow the movement of money from one bank account to another, within our bank, quickly and securely. With intra-bank transfers, your money moves instantly and you…
Current account Opening a current account at PriBank is your first step towards a new financial experience. Through your account you can manage your income easily and efficiently, you can accept salary, rental income or even other personal income. In PriBank, resident and non-resident clients can open accounts in Euro or other currencies. The necessary…
Fatos Krasniqi – Anëtar
Mr. Fatos Krasniqi has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of PriBank in December 2021. Mr. Krasniqi comes from the banking industry with over 19 years of experience, where he cultivated a sensational career in various fields of management and leadership with special emphasis on business development, management projects, branch management and human resources management. Previously…
Bilanci dhe Treguesit Financiar TM2 2023
Raporti Vjetor 2022
Bilanci dhe Treguesit Financiar TM1 2023
Misioni dhe visioni
Mission PriBank is a local financial institution that operates in the Republic of Kosovo. The Bank’s mission is to promote the country’s sustainable economy by influencing better well-being for all, through financing that promotes growth and economic benefits. PriBank is oriented towards individual customers and in particular towards MSME customers, offering you innovative and convenient…
Luljeta Plakolli Kasumi – Anëtare
Ms. Luljeta Plakolli-Kasumi is a lecturer in the civil department of the Faculty of Law of the University of Prishtina in the subjects of intellectual property law, commercial and contractual law, arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution methods. She completed her basic and doctoral studies at the university where he works, while her master’s studies…
Kushtet e Përgjithshme të Afarizmit Bankar
Download below for more details of the General Terms and Conditions of Banking
Mbrojtja e të dhënave
PriBank values your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal data. We have drafted this statement to make it easier to access all the information you need regarding the processing of your personal data. Our Privacy Promise PriBank is about relationships with people – with our customers, our colleagues, and our business partners. Each…
Çmimorja e bankës
Download the detailed price list PriBank Pricing List
Llogaria e Kursimeve për Fëmijë
PriBank takes care of your children’s future! The Children’s Savings Account is a wonderful solution to build a stable financial foundation for your children. With this account, you create a powerful tool to collect and grow savings for your children to serve you in the future for school, university payments, or to create a safe…
Depozita avans
Term your money in PriBank and get the ownership interest! Advance Deposit lets you reschedule your money for a period of 12 months, with an attractive interest rate, and you don’t have to wait for the maturity date to withdraw your interest because the interest can be rescheduled on the day the rescheduling starts. For…
Depozita Klasike
The classic deposit for business customers at PriBank is a safe way to store your business money. This type of deposit is designed to provide you with interest on your money, allowing you to benefit from its investment in the bank. PriBank offers very attractive interest rates for classic deposits, helping you to increase your…
Kredi Konsumuese
With a personal loan you can achieve your goals, such as buying a vehicle, renovating your home, medical expenses, higher studies, or any other personal project you have in mind. This type of loan gives you the flexibility to use the money in the way you want, without interference or special restrictions from the bank.…
Kredi për veturë
Once a dream, now a reality! Make your dreams come true with PriBank. The car you once dreamed of, now realize it! The car loan allows you to buy a new car. The application for this loan is available to all individual salaried or regular income customers. Apply by clicking here.
Kredi për shtëpi
PriBank gets you your dream home! The loan for the purchase of real estate enables you to buy a house or apartment, as you need it. You choose, we offer you solutions! The maximum loan amount is €300,000Maturity up to 240 monthsUp to €55,000 without mortgage (applies to budget wage earners, institutional wage earners and…
Open your PriBank account and start your journey with us! PriBank allows you to open a bank account and use it according to your needs, for receiving your monthly salary or even for saving your funds.
Aplikimet Online
Time is precious and we value you! PriBank offers you the possibility of applying online for the products and services you need.
Këshilltar personal
PriBank prioritizes superior service to its customers. Therefore, each client will have a Personal Advisor.
Si mund të kontaktoj PriBank nëse kam një ankesë apo sugjerim?
You can visit one of the PriBank branches and express your dissatisfaction or suggestion to our Customer Advisors. You can call us at +383 387 74 77 77, 0 800 74 777. You can write to us on the mobile number on viber +383 46 74 77 77You can write to the e-mail [email protected], You…
A ofron PriBank llogari kursimi?
PriBank offers savings accounts for adults and children, with no opening costs and free monthly maintenance. In savings accounts, you also benefit from annual interest, which is calculated on a daily basis and credited to the customer’s account at the end of each year. For the interest rate you get on Pribank savings accounts, please…
Çfarë çmimi ka mirëmbajtja mujore e llogarisë?
Depending on the type of bank account, the price for monthly maintenance also differs. For more information about monthly account maintenance commissions, see PriBank’s price list by clicking here.
Çfarë transaksione mund të kryej përmes llogarisë bankare ?
You can use your bank account to receive salary or various national transfers, to deposit or withdraw funds from this account as well as to process various outgoing transfers: within the bank, transfers to other banks in Kosovo or various payments such as payments for public bills, public services, etc.
Çfarë dokumente kërkohen për aplikim për kredi individuale?
Depending on your request for a loan and the type of financial income, the bank’s requirements for documents also differ. But first, for an individual loan application, the necessary documents are:
A mund të aplikoj për Kredi Online?
You can apply for a loan by completing the loan application, which you can find on the PriBank website. For Individual Customers: Click here For Business Customers: Click here
Cili është IBAN per klientët e PriBank ?
IBAN (International Bank Account Number) for PriBank customers is formed by adding the 16-digit number of the bank account, e.g. XK0524000000000000000, to the country code XK and control code 05.
Cili është SWIFT/BIC Code i PriBank ?
SWIFT (BIC) Code of PriBank is: PHHAXKPR
Fatos Krasniqi – Kryeshef Ekzekutiv
Mr. Fatos Krasniqi has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of PriBank in December 2021. Mr. Krasniqi comes from the banking industry with over 18 years of experience, where he cultivated a sensational career in various fields of management and leadership with special emphasis on business development, management projects, branch management and human resources management. Previously,…
Çfarë dokumente kërkohen për hapje të llogarisë bankare?
The documents required for opening a bank account are: In case you are under the age of 18, the required documents are:
Si mund të hap një llogari rrjedhëse në PriBank?
All interested customers can open a bank account by visiting one of the PriBank branches in Kosovo. To open an account as an individual customer, you can also apply online here.
Naile Krasniqi – Anëtare
Ms. Naile Selimaj Krasniqi has completed basic studies at the University of Pristina, English Language and Literature, at the Faculty of Philology (2004). She completed her master’s studies at the University of Calgary in Canada in the Educational Leadership program (2007). Now she continues her doctoral studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of…
Albana Shala Bunjaku – Anëtare
Ms. Albana Shala Bunjaku has completed her Bachelor and Master studies at the University of Prishtina in Banking, Finance and Accounting. She is certified as a Real Estate Appraiser. Ms. Shala Bunjaku has experience working as an accountant for several years in a private company, while from 2009 to January 2017 she worked as the…
Blerim Azemi – Nënkryetar
Mr. Blerim Azemi is a graduated economist in Banking, Finance and Accounting at the University of Pristina. An accounting Technician certified by ShKÇAK-SCAAK- Association of Certified Accountants and Auditors of Kosovo. He is certified from ECDL, AUK – American University in Kosovo, BPC, IDEA and one of the founders and an honorary member of the…
Besarb Blakaj – Kryetar
MBA Postgraduate Studies at Technische Universität Vienna, BA in Insurance, graduated with Dip. CII from Chartered Insurance Institute and professional training at Malta International Training Center MITC. In 2019, he received the degree of Master of Arts in Management, specializing in Insurance Management, while he is currently a PhD candidate. With over 21 years of…
[email protected]
+383 38 74 77 77
Degët dhe ATM